Episode 89: November 25 2020 with guests from the SEAT organization

SEAT is an independent, nonpartisan organization with no affiliation with the tax compliance industry.  The mission of SEAT is to provide an educational platform for individuals, politicians, governments, academics and professionals about the potentially damaging effects of U.S. extraterritorial taxation on U.S. EXPATS.

Laura Snyder (President) Laura Snyder is a Paris based lawyer. She is the international member of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel (TAP) and a member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Americans Resident Overseas (AARO).

Keith Redmond (Treasurer) Keith Redmond is an advocate for Americans overseas, Accidental Americans, and others who are adversely affected by the United States imposing its tax code on tax residents of other countries. He is the founder of the 7000+ member social media group American Expatriates.

Karen Alpert (Secretary) Karen Alpert is the founder of Fix the Australia/US Tax Treaty, a group advocating for Australia to stand up to extraterritorial US taxation. She is a finance lecturer at the University of Queensland with experience in the US tax compliance industry.

John Richardson John Richardson is a Toronto, Canada based lawyer who assists US citizens and green card holders living outside the United States. He works with individuals around the world with respect to problems linked to FATCA and US citizenship, including renunciation and green card abandonment. His website is: http://www.CitizenshipSolutions.ca.

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John Alan's Work in Progress

I am an author in the process of writing my memoir. I want to share my writing with you, before the editing process and before I am even finished writing my book.

I want to read to you and for you.