It’s me. The creator, host and voice of The Comin’ Home Podcast With John Alan. It’s late, and I’m too tired to talk, so I’m writing a quick entry here for those of you who are interested in my little corner of the podcast world. It’s not often that I dedicate an entire episode to political or social issues, but I will be doing exactly that in the coming days. With you being the reasonable human being that I think you are, I am sure you won’t get upset with me going rogue. You can handle some serious talk about serious issues, can’t you? Sure you can.We are in the middle of quite a unique situation in the USA at the moment, and I feel the need to express myself with a podcast episode that I dedicate to the current political and social situation in the Land of the Free. I will produce and post my rantings and post a podcast episode when I have some down time between a few radio appearances on Tuesday and Wednesday.Wait… I said radio appearances, didn’t I? Well, ok… so, it’s not possible to appear on a radio. That’s a fact. But hey, who cares about sticking to the facts these days? I do. Well get into it on the upcoming podcast episode.Take care everyone. Love yourselves.