Episode 124: Solo Saturday with a Sip of Snoopy

Snoopy and I talk about Norway’s World War Two history. She also tells a couple interesting stories of her father and grandfather and their activity during the Nazi occupation of the Finnmark and Nordland regions of Norway.

Of course, it wouldn’t be a Sip of Snoopy episode without the foolishness and flirting peppered throughout the conversation. It’s been a long week, so I enjoyed this. I hope you do as well!

NOTICE: I want to apologize for the video quality on this episode. I tried to fix it, and I failed horribly. I don’t know what happened, but it was probably corrupted by Snoopy’s bad attitude.

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#TheCominHomePodcastWithJohnAlan #WWII #NorwegianHistory


John Alan's Work in Progress

I am an author in the process of writing my memoir. I want to share my writing with you, before the editing process and before I am even finished writing my book.

I want to read to you and for you.