Episode 57: August 9 2020 with guests Sita Lozoff and Catherine Dumas

Sita Lozoff is the co-founder and Spiritual Director of the Human Kindness Foundation, and Catherine Dumas is the Executive Director of the foundation. In 1973, Sita and her late husband Bo Lozoff started working with Ram Dass in The Prison Ashram Project to encourage people  who are incarcerated to use their prison time to do spiritual practices that can lead them towards freedom. HKF was founded in 1987 to operate the Prison-Ashram Project, and the book “We’re All Doing Time” by Bo Lozoff has reached almost half a million people, ninety percent of whom are incarcerated. https://www.humankindness.org

#humankindnessfoundation #prisonashramproject #RamDass #BoLozoff


John Alan's Work in Progress

I am an author in the process of writing my memoir. I want to share my writing with you, before the editing process and before I am even finished writing my book.

I want to read to you and for you.